My Profile


Last login: 13 years ago
Skinner since: 16 years ago
Country/Area: City of Angels
Gender: Female
Age: 34

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Relation: In a Relationship
Mobile Model: N73
Mobile Operator: Nokia
Occupation: S, T, U, D, E, N, T
Companies: Friends
Schools: Angeles University Foundation
I Like: Pink
I Hate: Ugly and plastic people
Favorite Music: Love songs and R, amp, B
Favorite Movies: Romantic Movies
Favorite Books: Twilight Saga
Favorite Celebrities: Richard Gutierrez
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h0lLy: aS fAr aS sCiEnCe aNd NatUrE iS c0nCeRn

OwnSkin In-A-Box

About Me

i'M h0lLy jAnE d0miNgUeZ hAr0 fR0m aNgELEs ciTy pArtiCuLaRLy iN viRgEn dEL0s rEmEdi0s, "rEmEdiAn" f0r sh0rt...i'M 19 yRs. 0Ld b0rN 0n thE dAtE 0f fEbRuArY 27,1991... i'M sTuDyiNg aT aNgELeS uNiVeRsiTy f0uNdAti0n aS a fReShmAn stUdEnT... m0st 0f thE pE0PLe wh0 d0 n0t kn0w mEh yEt thEiR 1st iMpResSi0n t0 mEh iS sn0bBiSh & mAaRtEh,bUt i'M n0t...iF y0u gEt aL0nG wit mEh, i aSsUrE y0u...y0u'lL eNj0y bEinG wit mEh! i'M kAL0g,kiNd & fRiEnDLy bUt thErE iS s0mEthiNg thAt iS n0t y0u'lL kn0w wit mEh, thAt iS whEn i'M n0t iN thE "M00D" f0LkS bEwArE 0f mEh f0r y0u'lL nEvEr kn0w iF i'M iN thE m0oD 0r n0t,c0z mAh m0oD chAnGe vErY fAst,thAtS wHy bE cArEfUL iN pLayiNg j0kEs wit mEh,c0z whEn y0u g0t mEh int0 mAh nErVeS,,,0o0hhh "PRAY" c0z mY "M0UTH" wilL stArT t0 tALk &
f0wL w0rDs wilL c0mE 0ut int0 mAh m0uth untiL y0u g0t int0 y0uR nErvEs t0o!!! i'M jUst a siMpLe gUrL fr0m thE bL0cK... f0r 0thErS wh0 d0eSn't kn0e,,, i'M a hALf jApAnEsE f0r mAh dAd hAs a bL0oD 0f bEiNg a jApAnEsE...thE fAthEr 0f mAh dAD iS a jApAnEsE,hAhA uNf0rtUnAtELy dih at0h mArUn0nG mAg jApAnEsE,nAkuHaH c0wh LanG uNg bL0oD,0thEr thAn thAt,wALAh nAh... i'M aPpR0aChAbLe t0o,s0mEtiMeS y0u cAn b0rR0w m0nEy 0r aNythiNg t0 mEh,bUt pR0miSe mEh thAt y0u'lL giVe it bAcK iN thE riGhT tiMe thAt i nEeD it...thAtS whAt h0lLy iS... "FIRM AND GENTLE"

My kiSsEs aRe w0rtH m0rE thAn a pArTy 0r a m0viE. My b0dY iS thE tEmPLe 0f g0d-n0t a pLaY thiNg. ThE fiRsT "N0" mAy bE diFfiCuLt. aFtEr thAt it'S eAsY. ViRgiNitY iS stilL a viRtuE; LuSt iS stilL a cApitAL siN. ThE wAy i dReSs, aCt aNd sPeAk mAy bE a tEmPtAti0n t0 mY b0yFriEnD. I wilL 0bSeRvE m0dEstY f0r hiS aNd mY 0wN pR0tEcti0n. My pArEntS hAvE d0nE s0 mUch f0r mE, I wiSh aLwAyS t0 bE a cReDit t0 thEm. My b0yFriEnD wilL bE a hUsbAnD aNd a fAthEr s0mEdAy. He mUsT bE a hEr0 iN thE eYeS 0f hiS wifE aNd chiLdREn. I wilL d0 n0thiNg t0 pReVeNt thAt 0n mY dAtEs witH hiM. I wAnT t0 bE a wiFe aNd a m0thEr. I wilL rEsErVe mY pUriTy aNd aFfEcti0n f0r mY hUsBaNd aNd chiLdReN

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