

Son Giriş: 16 years ago
Üyelik Tarihi: 17 years ago
Ülke: Naga City
Cinsiyet: Bayan
Yaşım: 39

Anonymous Identity

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İlişki Durumum: Birlikteliğim Var
Telefon Modeli: nokia N73 series
Gsm Operatörü: Globe
Mesleğim: nurse
Okulum: Universidad de Sta, Isabel
Sevdiklerim: chocolate, coffee, coffee crumble, rockyroad ice cream, GERARD
Nefret Ettiklerim: backstabbers, pretenders, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers
Sevdiğim Müzikler: RnB, alternative rock, Rhythm, Jazz
Sevdiğim Ünlüler: sOphia buSh, chAd muRray, evA lOngORia
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princesa: live life!

OwnSkin In-A-Box


=extrAordinAry womAn

=witTy,stRong-wiLLed,foXy & sopHisticatEd

=nAturaL exquiSite bEauTy

=nOt easiLy tuRned dOWn by critiCs

=LoveS tO hAng oUt wiD friEnds

=conSider sHopPing as a hAbit

=suCker foR piNk,limegrEen and bLue

=aSsertivE buT nOt agGressiVe

=cEnter of AttEntion wiDout mAking aNy tRoubLe

=cERtifiEd CSI junKie, onE trEe hiLL fAnAtic

= vEry muCh tAkEn!!

=seLF confessed spoiLEd brAt & pApa's girL


=haTes LOUD peoPLe..(lOud..i.e ppoL w/ attEntion deficit)

= presEntLy reviewing for the December boArd

=Loves to liSten to jOsh gRobAn's muSic

=fOnd of kiDs i.e my NepHews kim And JR

=disLikes sociOpaths & psyChopathS!

=lovES her friEnds nAmely:
SheiLa,sASa,sHa,tAl,tnAi,juLS,eygel anD clEng

= "puShy" somTyms bUt cAn be exTremeLy sweEt moSt of the timE

= a loyAl friEnD but a daNgerouS eneMy

=hAs withStooD thE tEst of timE and cAn do a loT
beTter thAn whAt oTher ppoL eXpect me tO
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