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أخر دخول: 9 سنة
عضو منذ: 14 سنة
الجنس: ذكر
العمر: 44

Anonymous Identity

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العلاقة: إنه سر
نوع الجوال: N73, 39, 7610
المدارس: modal besic
أنا أحب: all khans
الموسيقى المفضلة: ar rahman
الأفلام المفضل: D D L
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OwnSkin في صندوق

سجل زواري (4) وقع في سجل زواري

12 سنة
My Name is Jennifer am a beautiful young girl looking for true love relationship and protection, i Have gone through your profile ownskin.com site today, and I was very happy to contact you for us to know ourselves more. You know that distance, age and indeed color cannot stop true love or friendship, So I will appreciate it much, if you reply me back ( jennifer_teamh@yahoo.in ) To enable me send my pictures and more information about my self to you and to tell you the more reason why i contacted you. I wait for your positive reply, take care and have a nice day. Jennifer reply me back ( jennifer_teamh@yahoo.in )
12 سنة
hi Touch ur heart; close ur eyes; make a wish say good night; sky so wide, star so bright, turn off the light and say good night my dear frnd.
hello ale how are u friend, this my new profile, thanks 4 sendeng msg to me, take care ur self annd god bless u
13 سنة
hello ale how are u? Why u have no picture,
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