'An eLdErlLy genTlEmAn wEnt tO sEe hiS dÖcToR aNd aSkEd foR a pResCriPtiOn of ViAgrA. ThE dÖctÖr sAiD, "ThAt's nÖ prÖblEm. How maNy dÖ yÖu wAnT ?" ThE mAn aNswErEd, "JUsT a feW, mAybE 4, bUt cUt eAch oNe iN 4 piEcEs." ThE dÖctÖr sAid, "ThAt wÖn't dÖ yÖu aNy gÖoD." ThE eLderLy gEntLEmAn sAid, "That's aLrighT. I dÖn't nEEd thEm foR sÈx aNymÖrE aS I aM ovEr 90 yEaRs oLd. I juSt wAnT iT tÖ sTiCk oÙt faR eNouGh sÖ I dÖn't pÈe oN mY sHoEs." may be the shoes wERe very vaLuAbLe: fÖrGivE mE... itS nÖt 4 yÖu..if yOu aRe a kiD oR if yÖu aRe biG kiD.. THEN yoU aLrEaDy gRoWn uP... Coz..yOu rEaD iT if yOu aRe aDuLt.. givE mE bAcK uR sMilE swEEt drEAmS..swEEt friEnd tHaNx 4 uR mSg miss yo too frn..
DreaM a dreaM tonighT aS yoU sleeP. SmilE a smilE tomorroW thaT yoU maY keeP. MaY alL oF youR dreamS anD wisheS comE truE becausE I couldn’T finD a betteR frienD likE yoU...HavE sweeT dreamS:.guT nighT.. SMILE
'TherE iS nO timE, No timE tO sparE, ThesE arE thE momentS, In whicH wE sharE, TherE iS nO timE, ForgeT thE pasT, FoR nothinG iS foreveR, ThiS wilL noT lasT, TherE iS nO timE, ThE enD iS neaR, LovE eacH momenT, LivE nOt iN feaR…'havE a feaRlesS smilinG dAy : hellO surayA wE arE friendS..nO sorrY plZ..
'I nO loNgEr hAvE thE feAr of bEiNg aLonE. It’S cOoL tO finD oUt tHaT yOu don’T nEEd a bOyfRieNd tO bE hAPPy' i mEAn diStuRbiNg friEnD likE mE..lOOk n uR wAlL..i wAs duMPed mANy usELEss wOrDs hErE..i wAnT tO cReAt uR wAlL aLmOsT oLd nEwS pApEr cOz i miSSed yOu frIEnd">http://www.allgraphics123.com/ag/01/5938/5938.JPG" border="0"/> gOoD nigHt..sWeeT slEeP