'TreAT everyoNE wiTH politeneSS, EvEN thoSE wHO aRE ruDE tO yOU, NoT becauSE thEY aRE nOT niCE, BuT bcOZ YOu aRE niCE...' thaNX..4 alwayw'S remembER mE
'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd. itS uR dAy.. wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy..:**_::_**:::**_:**_:
'beautifuL thoughT... WorrieS arE likE a birD,leT theM fLy oveR yoU..buT dO noT givE theM a chancE tO builT a nesT oN uR heaD.' somE beautifuL flowerS... tO brinG fragrancE tO youR lifE... WisH yoU a SweeT MorninG witH flowerS anD smilE.. thanX 4 UR come
smooth roads never make good drivers,smooth sea never makes good sailors, clear sky never makes good pilots problems free life never makes a perfect person..
WeN U r loNeLy.. m sAd... WeN U r hApPy... m gLaD.... RemEbEr dAt wAt eVEr U feeL..... i feeL iT tWicE..... So.. mY friEnd.. if U misS mE oNcE.. I MisS U tWicE..............GuT EvEniNg mY friEnD..hAvE loVeLy timE :..¥..::..¥..::.¥.::.¥.:frn..friendship need 2 way communication
'LifE iS a sToRy wRittEn oN GODS oWn hAnD, I dONt kNOw eXaCtLy hOw YoU cAmE iN mY sToRy, BuT i hOpE yOu wiLL bE iN tOuCh uNtiLL GOD wRitEs mY LasT cHaPtEr'.. WisHing yOu a suPErb niGhT wiTh dEsirEd drEam.. :¤.¤::¤.¤:miss yo frn...
DifferencE betweeN FrienD & WifE/HusbanD... U caN TeLL uR FrienD “U r mY BesT FrienD” BuT Do u havE couragE teLL tO uR WifE/HusbanD “U r mY BesT WifE/HusbanD?” if yoU havE enougH couragE theN thE resulT iS....deer">http://www.desicomments.com/dc/14/33715/337151.jpg" border="0"/>deer chasing a dearbored you can use itwat">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal199.gif" border="0"/>wat he have donewat">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal261.gif" border="0"/>wat happened?..why laughgood eveningha">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyphotoshopped179.jpg" border="0"/>ha ha ha... caN yoU chasE mE? 4 mY smilinG frienD
DrEamS viSit uS whEn wE aRe aSleEp. But GOD iS tRULy wiSe. He waKes uS uP eAcH dAy aNd giVeS uS evEry cHaNcE tO mAKe oUr dREAMs cOmE tRuE. So dREMm tOnigHt…You wiLL hAvE tO tRuE iT toMoRrOw... Goodnight...