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12 years ago
hoW r U??
12 years ago
Pm 0vEr??
12 years ago
i fElT rEliVEd n0w wErE g0iN t0 tALk l8R buSY sHEs sTL in heR cLass thaNKs
12 years ago
aM hRE
12 years ago
you are welcome. and tnx here too myself Jess and you?
12 years ago
thaNKs liL gIRl
12 years ago
HehE, hERbaL tEA, . . U prfer tRadti0nL way 0F tREatmENt
12 years ago
0oH! u TAke s0Mthn f0 dT, (hy0scine) busc0pan f0 musCLe spAsm
i hvE dt dySmen0RRheA t0o
12 years ago
y?? d0 yA hVE gsTRic pR0b. t0o
12 years ago
12 years ago
g0od aM haPPie f0 yA

Am fyN, thNX;) hBU??
12 years ago
ITs 0k h0pE u hD fUN wiTH hiM
12 years ago
wE hD 0lrdY talkD t0o mUCh lYF with0uT a frENd hU rEAly SHoW cArE nd luV to yA iS juST lyK "n0 mAN iS aN isLAnd"
sWEetdREamS LIl gIRl say0nara
12 years ago
o0h! c0ngRats d sExiESt mAid 0f h0Nor hw 0Ld iS sHe f u d0n mInD
12 years ago
i rEplieD ya msG. iN mA gb,cn ya Read iT deR, wsNt aBle to c0py iT
12 years ago
haHahA,thanks f0 ya NicE sTorY,i leArnd fRm It s0 hW r u Nd uR giRlfrEnd i meAn bEstFrEnd ur Ryt iTs s0 haRd to fiNd a rEal fRend hU wl aCcePt d rEal u nd lOve u in sPite of ol uR bAd Side shE/he sTil dEr rEady to uNdrstaNd u, . .s0 wE shlD treAsurE ouR fRends,beStfrenD or Wt eveR u cOl dem nd chErish oL d m0Ments u hBe c0z n0thIn c0mpRes to a trUe luV of a ReaL frEnd
12 years ago
0MG! itS L0ve nt just frendshiP bT it l0vE girL iTs So hArd to m0ve 0n fRm dT c0z u've beEn duiN dT f0 u d0n kn0e wtS d eXact reaS0n thEn in JusT a bLink of An eYe evrYthiN is 0veR dtz wT i d0n wNt to hapPen giRl bc0z i rEalLy d0n kn0e wT cN i d0 to Ma sElf or To dT peRs0n hU wL stEaL heR fR0m me
12 years ago
rEalLy???? i thnK ya FelL inLuv wiD ya fRend wiThouT kn0wIn iT itS n0t jUst an 0rDnary p0sSesi0n or 0bsessi0N wT hapPend iTs l0vE giRl dTs y aM gviN heR sPace nD fo mE to iNternaLize tHingS coZ i d0n wnT to bE hUrt nd hUrt hEr as wEl Am nVer bE lyK dz b4 dZ is difFrent d wAy i trEat hEr it s0me kinDa espCial nD unUsual fo a fRends
12 years ago
Dn,t habe feelings im juz asking.!
12 years ago
hEy,hEy,hEy we hVe d smE st0rY wT a c0 incDnce am 0ls0 lYk dT i eVen m0nitoR hEr evrY h0uR, miN , sec0nDs nD i Cn acTualy gVe up evrYthN jsT to mKe Sure dt oL heR atTenti0n is witH mE
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