haHahA,thanks f0 ya NicE sTorY,i leArnd fRm It
s0 hW r u Nd uR giRlfrEnd
i meAn bEstFrEnd
ur Ryt iTs s0 haRd to fiNd a rEal fRend hU wl aCcePt d rEal u nd lOve u in sPite of ol uR bAd Side shE/he sTil dEr rEady to uNdrstaNd u, . .s0 wE shlD treAsurE ouR fRends,beStfrenD or Wt eveR u cOl dem nd chErish oL d m0Ments u hBe c0z n0thIn c0mpRes to a trUe luV of a ReaL frEnd