- i wilL misS yoU
qUd mOrninq
hAve a qreat weEkend tO yOu, pUT soMe smiLe oN uR lipS :smiLe: likE wAt u sAid im.. nEvermind
tAke cAre OF ur seLf, iM leaVinq jUs fO u, i aLways hUrt u ..
i wisH i cAn bE perFect tO u xO i cAnt dO anYthnq runq, xOri aBouT ..
bTw fOqet tHat stArt a nEw lifE withoUt mE, i aLways lOve u
remember tHat dEar.. iLL always bE fine
dUn wori k
aLways tAke care