i'm also happy to having you as my friend:yes of course i know bengali you can wright to me n bangla.. But if you dont mind i ans you to eng.. Coz its hard to me to wright bangla n eng.. Nice time purna
No Shadows 2 Depress U, Only Joys 2 Surround U, Many Friends 2 Loveu, God Himself 2 Blessu, These R My Wishes 4u, 2day 2morow & Everyday 2 U !! Good Morning
(G)od (O)ffers us (O)utstanding (D)evotion to (M)ake us (O)bedient & (R)eady for (N)ew day to (I)nitiate (N)ew aim for the (G)lory of life "GOOD MORNING"