hehe. .yea. .thats gud. .guss we r goin to b great frns

hehe. .wat did u told him?

Friends, you and me... You brought another friend...
and we started our group... our circle of friends...
and like a circle... there is no beginning or end.
hv a nice day my lovely frnd
rai sahib

">http://img1.imensagens.com/en/have-a-nice-day/39.gif" border="0"/> hi Carol

oh my gosh! Jerks are everywhere!!!! You guys don't know what is humility!!!!
BOY:"A, B, C
GIRL:"What ??
BOY:"Always Be Careful
GIRL:"Ahan then ??
BOY:"D, E, F, G
BOY:"Don't Ever ForGet That
BOY:"I'm H I
Girl:"What H I ??
BOY:"Happily In love
GIRL:"So ??
BOY:"J, K, L, M, - Just Keep Loving Me
GIRL:"And how about N, O,P, Q, R,S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ??
BOY:"No Other Person Quite, Reasonable , Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee...
Ek Like to Banta Hai Boss..
If you love someone, showing them is better than telling them. But if you stop
loving someone, telling them is better than showing them.
If you love someone, showing them is better than telling them. But if you stop
loving someone, telling them is better than showing them.
oh carol im not a fool darling i love u...u know that song...btw nice name..
i wonder who's the lucky person

hmm maybe u thinking someone

..i guess

My Gosh! I can't sleep. :-/