**thank you dear haseem**
¤*¤you 3 beautiful wishes*angel's wishes your wishes write on a star*star they crray ahead god*& my wish : best wishes for you best*good morning dear¤*¤
**good night dear*have a magic night & wonderful dream**
**thank you very much*i need to that!**
**thanks dear haseem*have a nice evening**
*¤* today 1000 butterfly 1000 read rose give to you than remember my love in friendship*good morning dear*have a beautiful day*¤*
**thanks dear haseem*have a nice night & sweet dream*bye dear**
**thank you dear haseem*have a nice evening*bye dear**
**best wishes for you best**
**you one wish*i pray god give to you your wish**
**yeah!*yes*thank you very much*i need to that**
**m....*thank you very much*i very like that*but now: please give me hot coffee**
**hi dear haseem*have nice times**