Hello dEar, tHouGh miLeS mAy liE bEtwEen uS, We aRe nEveR tRulLy apArt..f0r friEndShip iS nEveR c0uNt by miLes. We mAy be vEry buSy but if evEr theRe c0meS a dAy we'rE n0t t0gEthEr, kEep me in y0ur hEaRt i'Ll alWayS bE tHere.. TaKe caRe dEar y0u aRe pReci0us.. aCe
Music to me can be loud like thunder in my head music to me can be soft that draws me to my bed music to me is life music to me is strong music to me makes me feel like I can do no wrong music makes you full of sorrow or it makes you full of joy music makes a better tomorrow or makes you awfully coy music makes you fearless music makes you tearless music can make you a star music to me is when you see who you really are
FoodFoodFood All are here for food All evolve from food All act for food All think about food.
All know no food No existence.
Food come from rain Rain ensues from sacrifice Sacrifice rooted In prescribed action Prescribed action Originate from knowledge Knowledge proceed from you You my dear not destructible.
So long as you are there Food is there You are all pervading You are infinite I the finite Long for you Through the food Supplied to me Only by you And the food Itself you.