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9 years ago

i just copied .. its not Invented by me

Type of Girls

Hard Disk Girls
She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Girls
She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

Windows Girls
Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

Screensaver Girls
She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!

Internet Girls
Difficult to access

Server Girls
Always busy when you need her.

Multimedia Girls
She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM Girls
She is always faster and faster.

Email Girls
Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

Virus Girls
Also known as "WIFI"
when you are not expecting her,
she comes,installs herself and uses all your resources.
If you try to uninstall her you will lose something,
if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything.

SMILE Is not a single word..It is beautiful sentence
S=Speak, M=More, I=In, L=Less, E=Energy
...So always keep smiling...

9 years ago


LeT OthErS LeaD SmaLL LiveS,
♥•✿buT noT yoU.✿•♥

LeT OthErS arGue OveR SmaLL HurTs
♥•✿buT noT yoU.✿•♥

LeT OthErS cRy OveR SmaLL HurtS,
♥•✿buT noT yoU.✿•♥

LeT OthErS LeavE TheiR FuturE
iN SomE onE HandS,
♥•✿buT noT yoU...✿•♥

BecauSe yOu aRe SomEthinG
SpeCiaL iN thiS WorLd,
♥•✿aND yoU aRe mY frIenD...✿•♥


9 years ago
ma sweety sis where are you
9 years ago
ohh the flirt boy attack again tje lier boy
am strong than more than your know i dont need lier boy in life
9 years ago

im not laughinglook:rofl;
plz dont i dont want earthquake

ol cya liz
take good care

9 years ago

yeah im working too on beauty
9 years ago

nice work

9 years ago

nice worl:rofl;

9 years ago

wat type of work??
9 years ago

me also okay

so now a days wat are u doing?? after long time liz..
9 years ago
yeah afternoon

hows u??
9 years ago
helo liz
9 years ago


1st message- lets break up now, its all over..

2nd msg.-sorry, sorry!! That was not 4 u...

Height of coolness:
Two friends finishing the paper,
coming out of the exam hall,
having a cool drinks and talking.
1st: dude which paper was it?
2nd: may be maths.
1st: that means you did the paper?
2nd: no man the girl next to me was using calculator.

Boy 2 God:
Give me a pocket full of money,
A job & a big vehicle full of girls.

God replied:your wish is fullfilled
He became a bus conductor of girls collage.

Boy: I like that girl.
His friend: she has a boy friend.
Boy: look. A goal post always has a goalkeeper,
but that doesn't mean you can't score goals.


A Boy Went 2 Doctor Wid Infection on His face.
After Checking,
Doctor Said: "Ask ur GF 2 change her lipstick Brand,
u r Allergetic to lakme"..Lp

Face /your/on/smile/ little/a/get/to/ trick /
my/only/was/ this/but/me/ with/angry/get/
will/you/message/ this/reading/ After/weekend/a nice /have
(Now Read in reverse)....

9 years ago


'sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,,
It iS A SeAsOn tHaT CoMeS AnD GoEs,,
sOmEtImEs yOu LauGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,

ThErE Is sOmE OpPrEsSiOn oF LiViNg,,
tHeRe aRe sOmE TrAdItIoNs oF ThIs wOrLd,,
ThErE ArE SoMe dAyS Of LOsInG AnD GaInInG,,
tHeRe aRe sOmE PrOmIsEs, ThErE ArE SoMe vOwS,,
tHeRe iS SoMe rEstLesSnEsS At eVeRy mOmEnT,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,,

iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,,
sOmEoNe iS SLeePiNg uNdEr a sCaRf,,
SoMeOnE Is tHiRsTiNg tO SeCuRe tHeIr hEaRt,,
SoMeWhErE ThE ShInE Of dIsApPoInTmEnT HaS BlOoMeD,,
sOmEwHeRe LovE AnD LoVe aLoNe iS RaInInG,,
sOmEtImEs tHeRe iS PaIn, SoMeTiMeS ThErE Is a cUrE,,
LifE Is sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,

mEmOrIeS Of mOmEnTs gOnE AwAy,,
ToRtUrE Me aLL tHe tImE,,
BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY CoMe,, BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY Go,,
tHeRe iS A WoRlD Of LonELinEsS,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn..
iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,,
SoMeTiMeS YoU LaUgH, sOmEtImEs yOu cRy,,
LiFf Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn..!'

">" border="0"/>

WiShInG Ur CoLouRfuL LiFe

9 years ago


Love makes your friend a little dearer.
Joy makes our heart a little lighter.
Faith makes our path a little clearer.
Hope make our lives a little brighter.
Peace bring us all a little nearer.

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Friends will come and go
and touch your life along the way
but only a true friend will touch your heart.

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart
and soul there is no such thing as separation.

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Give a little, warm someone's soul,
tomorrow you may need
someone to wipe away those tears.

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9 years ago
we are great
9 years ago


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“LAUGH, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired.

SMILE, even when you're trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision.

SING, even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy.

TRUST, even when your heart begs you not to.

TWIRL, even when your mind makes no sense of what you see.

FROLICK,even when you are made fun of.

KISS,even when others are watching.

RUN,even when it feels like you can't run any more.

SLEEP,even when you're afraid of what the dreams might bring.

And, always,we should remember, even when the memories pinch our heart,
And without our experience---we are an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric.
Because the pain of all our experience is what makes us the person we are now.

Whenever you are wrong,Always admit it,
Whenever you are right,just keep quiet.

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9 years ago
sweety sis i really miss hows you
9 years ago
Sorry na my net Data was over
Everything is good with me and u?

Are u back on what's up again? I rarely ever come here it's so boring
9 years ago

Good eve baby

How are you? long time no see
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