We Never Hate People We Love The Most.. We Only Try To Make Them Know How It Feels When We Are Neglected.....Am i right ????? Well Take care of ur health always.MAY GOD BLESS U.
Remember ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> You are born to Live ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> Don't Live Because you are Born ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> Don't Go The way Life Takes you ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> TAKE LIFE ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/CER17197.gif" border="0"/> The way you Go ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/aGf17197.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/t9f17484.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/> ">http://files.mothhelah.com/img/LjN17576.gif" border="0"/>
Cavolo addirittura avreste iniziato a fare a botte??....cmq io nn ci sono mai stato in quel locale .. Preferisco un altro tipo di locale... Cmq la mia serata é andata bene... Mi sono divertito un sacco... Ho riso un casino;)